We take a look at women’s custom in the nearest towns of Suessula and Gricignano.
In Suessula, which is situated in the South of Campania plain towards Caudina area, the deceased already had sumptuous funerary objects in the mid-VIII century BC. These objects showed the presence of a very complex society. The personal ornaments were particularly sumptuous. Among them there are two ceremonial fibulae and some bronze pendants.
On the other hand, in the middle of Campania Plain, women in Gricignano – a small village that lasted no more than 100 years- tell different stories. They are rich and little more than adolescents; a specific area of the necropolis is reserved for them. Here they are buried and cremated. Personal funerary objects are rich but simple. In contrast, pottery from Greece or from the colonies is abundant. This shows the direct relationship with the Greek colonies on the coast of Campania. People traded with these colonies and borrowed the cremation rite from them.
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